“Imagine”.  Just allow yourself for a minute to imagine a better world.  What would be in your better world?  Hatred? Bigotry? Injustice? Cruelty? Intolerance? Oppression?

No, probably not.  Everyone in your better world would have enough food to eat, clean water to drink, decent shelter, and resources to provide for the family.  The people of that world would not fear their government, their military, or their neighbors.  No one would be a billionaire and everyone would have sufficient finances to live a clean and comfortable life.

In that world the earth and its resources would be cherished and valued.  Fossil fuels would be a relic of the past.  Everybody’s air would be clean, clear, and pure.  Waterways and skyways in this better world are free of human trash.  The elements of nature flourish in their natural state of being.  Animals are not hunted  and killed for sport.

The world’s religions would realize that all faiths have a piece of the God puzzle.  Diversity in worship would be embraced and celebrated by Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu in solidarity with the One called Spirit.  Religious hypocrisy and persecution is non-existent in this better world’s profession of faith.

The world’s richness is shared by all of humanity.  None go without.  Countries do not vie for power or prestige.  There is no reason for war or killing.  Each culture values its heritage, its traditions, and its history, but, none is elevated above the validity of the other.

Individuality is respected and promoted because all humanity understands that each creature is created uniquely within the framework of God’s presence in all, though all, and within all.  There is no separation from God or from each other.  What is done to our brother or sister is also done to every presence on earth.  We live in unity and peace.

You may say I’m a dreamer, but, I’m not the only one.”  John Lennon

Join us.  We are the dreamers who envision our earth and civilization saved from the destruction that awaits if humanity does not come to terms with what it has become .  Having succumbed to the will of human ego and self-absorption, our leaders deceive us,  our religious leaders lie to us, and our oligarchs exploit us.  The fate of our habitat is spiraling rapidly into a fiery and final demise from which there is no return.

Do not believe the religious soothsayers who claim that scriptures foretell of a restoration and rebuilding after the final destruction and therefore welcome a worldwide catastrophe.  They are dead wrong, because they live in dead theology.  They are spiritually dead.

4 Replies to “IMAGINE”

  1. Thank you for your comment. When I view our world system, I can only agree with you. That is why we must take the dream to our inner core, live it and share it as if it were possible. Then that dream will reach fruition within us and become a part of mankind’s evolution to the intelligence and compassion which the Creator intended for us. It is real if you make it real.


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