This journey I am on, the same journey all of us undertake, has met its share of stone walls, dead ends, and heartbreak.  What seemed like a terrific idea yesterday becomes today’s need to backtrack and regroup.  A person who comes aside and walks that path with me briefly decides to take the alternate route lying ahead and becomes just a memory of good times.  The opportunity not taken shows up later in life as one of those “I told you so” moments.  It can be a tortuous life through hell we build for ourselves or a meandering trek through serenity.  We have the ability to make that choice.

I write as and as  Larry is the idealist, the one who sees the possibilities of life through rose-colored filters and believes in the innate goodness of mankind and the infinite power of an incomprehensible, undefinable God.  Whatever turmoil and hostility abound in the world, Larry believes it can be conquered by love and compassion.

Gabby on the other hand is a realist.  He relates his world view from the experiences of a life deep in the nitty-gritty of addiction, disappointment, and social disapproval.  His personality is a composite of the people who have joined in his journey through life.  His world view has been tempered by the harshness of ignorance and misunderstanding.  Gabby doesn’t mince words, he ridicules and challenges stupidity.  He’s got something to say and, “dang it, you’re gonna friggin listen.”

Our goal is not to be published, not to become a noteworthy blogger, not to become a recognized name in writing circles.  We merely want to touch lives in a meaningful way.
