the high road


The lying which our parents strongly admonished with a good spanking is now labeled as ‘alternative facts.’  Those of us who were urged by parents, teachers and clergy to always take the high road are miserably lost in today’s social and religious babble.  But, thankfully, there are still a few unmovable parameters with consistent guidelines that lead us through troubling times.  It doesn’t really matter if we call those parameters values, morals, standards, God, spirit, wholeness, righteousness or moral compass.  When the world is mucking along on the low road, we can always be assured of safe passage on the high road if we follow the inner voice speaking our truth.

Not always convenient and often frightening, this road leads us through the darkness of worldly concerns such as poverty, injustice, racism, hatred, corruption and untruth.  It inevitably shows us to the other side where joy, peace and contentment dwell.  It is a place where we know without doubt that all which is within us is bigger than anything the world can throw at us.  We are capable of winning those battles with the world when we simply find that quiet space within and follow the directive of ancient prophets who said, “Be still and know.”

Psalm 46, verse 10 tells us that God will be known in the stillness of our souls.  Forgo the chatter and chaos of an insane world system.  Trust an alternative world order which promotes love and peace.  That is the truth which history’s prophets and wise men/women discovered within.  Believe the ancient and contemporary mystics who knew God dwelled within them and in all of Creation.  Be still and know.

Those who claim that the only God is the one whom they profess in their particular faith are missing the universality of an energy force which permeates every cell of every body regardless of theology.  Muslim brothers and sisters know God, brown-skinned neighbors know God, neighborhood Hindu shop keepers know God, Buddhist monks living in the Himalayas know God.  They name this energy according to their traditions, but God is God.  Be still, learn, and know.



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