IT’S A GREAT DAY! – rivers of life


Did the Colorado River cut through rock creating the Grand Canyon by sheer strength?  Did it happen overnight?  No, of course not.  One of the most awesome land sculptures on earth was created over eons of persistent erosion.  Millions have viewed this spectacular landscape, some have tried to conquer its raw natural power, a few have died failing to match wits with the imposing rock walls and the mighty river flowing through the canyon.

Persistence!  Not strength, not brawn, not physical power.  Our goals in life will be accomplished with rivers of intentional persistence.  Yesterday’s commitments to healthy habits and attitudes must be pursued again today.  There is no room for stagnation in pursuing our goals whether those goals be mental, spiritual or physical.  Our rivers of determination will stop flowing and become dammed up when filled with past baggage and emotional silt.  Muscles and joints which tell us, ‘No, stop,”  must not be entertained with inactivity.  Especially those of us experiencing the ‘golden years’ cannot stop intentional forward motion.

As always, this is a choice to be made every morning upon arising.  Greet the morning with a smile, a ‘thank you’, a brief gratitude list, a hug to your spouse or cat or dog, and a stretch to the dawning day ahead welcoming goodness and strength into the waking hours.  Receive the blessings which flow and the gift of grace to enjoy another 24 hours.  It’s all ours for the asking.  The alternative is to wallow with inaction, suffer the aches and pains, dread the day’s drudgery, look forward to an end to this self-imposed misery.  It’s our choice.

What’s your river going to do today?  Flow bravely and erode just a bit more those walls of stone?  I hope so.  I intend to live life fully in the face of obstacles and mental dams.  If I fall down, I will bounce back up.  If I see someone else fall down, I will help them back up.  We can claim victory when the last breath is drawn.  We can say with conviction, “I defeated you, death, and will continue on into eternity knowing I gave this life my best effort.”

Join me, will you?

“Where, O death, is your victory?  Where, O death is your sting?”  1 Corinthians 15:55


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