IT’S A GREAT DAY! – violence & hatred

Open your hearts and minds to the spectacular day which has been designed just for you.  Stretch, breathe, smile, say, “Thank you.”

cropped-p10100031.jpgDon’t check the phone for messages.  Don’t turn on the noise from the multiple media sources.  Don’t read the front page headlines.  Don’t do any of those things until you have spent the beginning hours of this new day processing the beauty of life, the wonder of  earth, the amazing complexity of mankind’s mind, the indescribable energy behind every function, every organism, and every creature of earth.  Just don’t!  Stop the monkey brain thoughts that clutter up this morning’s spectacular appearance over the horizon.  Look at that sun creeping into the eastern sky.  Be fascinated by its timely routine each and every day of this existence.  Soak it in!

If that sun could talk, what would it say about mankind?  What would it tell about the recent violence in New Zealand?  Would it take sides, find blame?  No, of course not.  The sun cannot do that because it is merely the sun.  Powerful and brilliant, yet unable to alter its course or its purpose.  It shines upon and warms all of humanity regardless of race and creed.  The sun has no choice but to do what it was put in the heavens to do.

You are more powerful than the sun, the stars, the oceans because you can choose what you will do today, where you will go, when you will eat, whom you will speak to.  On this day, in this moment, you can choose thoughts that nourish your inner strength or thoughts that defeat your indwelling peace.  You can align with rhetoric which speaks your kindness through truth or rhetoric which exposes your inner demons.  You can choose actions which honor a Higher Presence or actions which debase the soul.  You can do all this because you have the power of choice.

When you accept your one-way ticket into eternity, life will change.  The love and compassion you accept for yourself will also be freely available to others through you.  There will be no room for hatred and intolerance because a freed heart cannot harbor bigotry.  The demons which drove the mass murderers in New Zealand, Pittsburgh, Orlando, Paris or London will be unable to exist in the presence of a heart filled with understanding and love.  It is your choice today to be whom you want to be.

This power of choice is life’s golden ticket.  Today, in this moment, whom you will be is one of your choices.  Look at that reflection in the mirror, gaze into those beautiful eyes and tell yourself, “You are worthy.  You are loved.  You are a child of immense significance with infinite potential.  I love you.”

Decide today to love yourself more than any other creature can possibly love you.  You will not be disappointed or betrayed.  Greet the morning sky with outstretched hands facing upward to receive the blessings of a new day.  It will be a great day!


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